
The following forms may be completed using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or newer. If you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader you will not be able to save the completed form.

COE Doctoral Program Forms:
  1. One copy of the final, defended version on regular paper, single-side print (this copy will be marked by the Graduate School reviewers). Do not submit in 3-ring binders (pages may jam when scanning); no binder clips or paper clips.  Submit in a plain manila folder. 
  2. All signed signature pages (printed on paper used for binding) – submit same number sig pages as copies to be bound.
  3. A copy of the binding fee form marked paid by the Bursary or a copy of the Bursary receipt. (Students keep originals.)
  4. EDD & DPA STUDENTS must also submit their respective program’s Final Approval of Dissertation Form.
  5. Contact information (name, phone numbers, e-mail address).

Please keep in mind that the Graduate School’s review can last anywhere from two weeks to four weeks, or longer, depending on the number of theses and dissertations submitted for review. Committee chairs should notify the Graduate School of defense dates, and send notifications of successful defenses to both the Graduate School and the Registrar’s Office. Students and committee chairs are asked to refer to the Thesis & Dissertation Information Pages for details about formatting, components, sample pages (e.g., title, signature, etc.) and submission procedures at: . Please contact Ernest Smith at or 229-333-5695 for more information or visit the Thesis and Dissertation Information Pages.

V-Text Form
     (permission form for submitting electronic copy of thesis or dissertation to Odum Library Archives - submit when dropping off hard copies of dissertations to be bound) Word format