
国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate


Upon retirement, 国产AV faculty and staff lose access to some specific 国产AV resources they may have typically used in their scholarship or work, such as 国产AV Office software or the off-campus use of digital research resources such as Galileo. If there are faculty or staff retirees who plan to continue their scholarship or work on a special 国产AV project, and both they and the university would benefit from their continuing access to these resources, they may apply for 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate status. Applications to become a 国产AV non-paid Affiliate are considered on a case-by-case basis.

If their application is approved, 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliates will be granted access to selected resources for a period up to three-years with a required annual check-in. All University policies regarding the appropriate use of state resources and responsible personal conduct apply to the use of its computing and networking resources (see 国产AV’s Acceptable Use Policy). Georgia state laws, policies, and audit practices, as well as federal and state contract-compliance laws to which 国产AV is subject, require that state resources (e.g., computers and network) be used only for University-related activities. Users are subject to open record requests and other compliance-related disclosures.

As part of the application process to become an unpaid affiliate, 国产AV faculty and staff retirees must agree to a criminal background check and complete biannual cybersecurity training. A retiree must have a break in service after retirement of at least 30 days before applying to become an affiliate.


If 国产AV Faculty and Staff Retirees wish to apply to become unpaid affiliates, they must complete the online application form.

  • For employees from the Division of Academic Affairs: Within 30 days of the application, this form will be evaluated by the Deans’ Council which will make a recommendation to the Provost. If the Provost approves, he or she will notify the home department who should then submit a PAR form to Budget and Payroll Services so that a new position number can be established. Once processed by Budget Services, the recommending department should contact Human Resources so that office can begin onboarding including a criminal background check. Human Resources should notify both the affiliate and the home department that the 国产AV unpaid affiliate status is updated in the system. These 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliates will be granted access to selected 国产AV resources. If the application is not approved, there is no opportunity for appeal.
  • For employees from all other Divisions: Within 30 days of the application, this form will be evaluated by the divisional Vice President, and if approved, he or she will notify the home department who should then submit a PAR form to Budget and Payroll Services so that a new position number can be established. Once processed by Budget Services, the recommending department should contact Human Resources so that office can begin onboarding including a criminal background check. Human Resources should notify both the affiliate and the home department that the 国产AV unpaid affiliate status is updated in the system. These 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliates will be granted access to selected 国产AV resources. If the application is not approved, there is no opportunity for appeal.


Once the application has been approved, access to these 国产AV resources will continue for up to three-years with an annual progress check-in. If affiliate status is not renewed, annual progress check-ins are not submitted, or no attempt to access/utilize the requested resources occur after one year, access to 国产AV services will be terminated.


By completing and submitting the following, you are acknowledging that you wish to be recognized as an unpaid 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate. 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliates are retired faculty and staff members who continue to produce scholarly work or provide services that brings recognition to 国产AV. Their continued research/scholarship will benefit from the use of some 国产AV resources, such as access to office software and off-campus access to digital library resources.

  • 国产AV Email (@valdosta.edu)
    Interlibrary Loan and/or GALILEO
    Microsoft Office 365 (full desktop suite)
    Microsoft Office 365 (web-based suite)
    Cascade (website management system)
    Meeting Room(s)
    Office or lab space
    Student, financial, research, or other regulated data that may be sensitive or proprietary
  • Any scholarly work/research produced with the use of 国产AV resources will be published/disseminated identifying the author as a 国产AV Affiliate (or Emeritus Faculty Member as appropriate).
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate will follow all information technology acceptable use policies and procedures applying these resources.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate will submit an annual check-in to 国产AV and at the end of the three-year term, renew this application as desired.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate will be subject to a criminal background check required of all those affiliated with the university.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate will complete the required biannual cybersecurity training through the KnowBe4 portal.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate may serve on thesis or dissertation committees, if eligible, but may not serve on committees outside the scope of the project (i.e., tenure and promotion, governance, etc.).
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate may not be able to access all services during times the University is officially closed.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate has obtained approval from the appropriate department head, director, or immediate supervisor for this research or special project.
    This request will be routed to those 国产AV offices associated with the requested resources.
    The 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate must have a break in service of at least 30 days after retirement and cannot submit this application before that time.
    If recently retired, the 国产AV Faculty and Staff Affiliate must fully outprocess through Human Resources which includes cleaning out your personal office and returning any technology.
    国产AV may terminate this agreement at any time without explanation.

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  • Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
    • Academic Affairs
      West Hall Suite 1004
    • Mailing Address
      1500 N. Patterson St.
      Valdosta, GA 31698
    • Office
    • Phone: 229.333.5950
    • Fax
    • Fax: 229.333.7400