Elevator not operating 

Call Physical Plant Work Management at (229) 333-4860.

Fire extinguishers locations and refills

  • Corridors of academic and office buildings and inside very large rooms
  • In or immediately outside of all laboratories where chemicals are stored or used.
  • In or immediately outside mechanical spaces where equipment is present that might cause a fire.
  • In storage buildings and mounted inside certain University vehicles
Used an extinguisher 

Place a with Physical Plant Work Management  We want full extinguishers at all campus locations. Most extinguishers will not hold a charge after partial use. While the gauge may hold steady in the green immediately after a slight use, check it the next day and you’ll find the gauge on EMPTY! This is because upon use the dry powder gets inside the seals and allows the nitrogen carrier to escape over a period of time. After ANY use, a fire extinguisher must be serviced and recharged. YOU MUST HAVE THE EXTINGUISHER REFILLED AFTER ANY USE.

Pests or animal trouble

Place a on the Environmental & Occupational Safety website or call us at (229) 293-6171.

Right To Know Program?

The Right To Know Program is designed to communicate information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace to all employees. A full description of the Program can be found at  web page. All new faculty and staff are required to take Right To Know training. Faculty and staff who are required to work with hazardous chemicals must have annual training. Training is offered at Orientation sessions for faculty and staff and is also available online at our web page.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a chemical in my department

Each department maintains copies of Safety Data Sheets for chemicals used in and/or purchased by that department. To obtain a copy of an SDS you can contact your supervisor. 

Safety videos 

EOS has plenty of safety videos available for you to check out and share with your staff members. We also have a listing online of the that we keep in our office.