
Dear Geosciences Major:

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed below each year are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. A sample schedule is provided as a general guideline to help you build a schedule each term. Your courses must be selected with your advisor to satisfy all core curriculum and state, lab science, and multicultural requirements. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for the most current curriculum.

FYSE (3 hr) can substitute for 3 hours of PERS. The 4th hour of PERS is waived (a student does not have to take any PERS courses), but because USG requires 120 hours to earn a bachelor’s degree, that 1 hour is moved to general electives.

Year 1

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 1101 3
Foreign Language 1 3
POLS 1101 3
GEOL 1121 4
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
ENGL 1102 3
Foreign Language 2 3
HIST 2111 or 2112 3
MATH 1113 3
Area E Elective 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: All Geography and Geology classes must be completed with a C or better. Overall GPA at least 2.0.

Year 2

Fall Hrs.
CHEM 1211 and 1211L 4
Area E Elective 3
GEOL 1122K 4
Total hours 16
Spring Hrs.
CHEM 1212 and 1212L 4
MATH 2261 4
GEOG 1113K 4
GEOG 3410 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: All Geography and Geology classes must be completed with a C or better. Overall GPA at least 2.0. Begin to develop a career plan with your faculty mentor and advisor. NOTE: Except for Thesis classes (GEOL 4860, 4861, and 4862), most upper-level (3000-4000 numbered) geoscience classes are taught on a two-year rotation. If Year 3 is an odd-numbered year, then the upper-level geoscience classes for the third and fourth years will need to be interchanged EXCEPT the Thesis classes; keep those in the same sequence.

Year 3

Fall Hrs.
MATH 2262 4
GEOG 2010 3
GEOL 3200 3
GEOG 3210 4
Total hours 14
Spring Hrs.
PHYS 1111K 4
GEOG 2011 3
GEOL 3101 3
GEOL 3410 4
GEOL 4860 1
Total hours 15

Milestones: All Geography and Geology classes must be completed with a C or better. Overall GPA at least 2.0. Have a plan for completion of the experiential learning component of the curriculum. Apply for graduation at least one semester prior to the anticipated graduation date. Work with professors and advisor to implement your career plan by developing a professional resume, applying for jobs or start applying to graduate programs in accordance with your career plan.

Year 4

Fall Hrs.
GEOL 3102 3
GEOL 3500 4
GEOL 4861 3
Upper-level GEOG or GEOL Electives 5
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
MATH 1401 3
GEOL 4110 4
GEOL 4862 2
Upper-level GEOG or GEOL Electives 3
General Electives 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: All Geography and Geology classes must be completed with a C or better. Overall GPA at least 2.0. Congratulations on completing your degree.