Course Requirements for the Ed.S. Degree with a Major in School Counseling

Professional Orientation 0
Program Evaluation 3
Advanced Practice in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 3
Social Justice in Professional Practice 3
Crisis Counseling 3
School Counseling Practicum I 3
Capstone Seminar 3
Child Psychopathology 3
Behavior Modification 3
Advanced Research Methodology 3
School Counseling Special Topics Seminar 3
Total Hours Required for the Degree 30

Starting fall 2021, students in the School Counseling Ed.S. degrere must complete 30 hours instead 27 hours. An additional 3-hour course of SCHC 8892: School Counseling Special Topic Semeniars is required for graduation. 

Selected Educational Outcomes

Program graduates will:

  1. demonstrate and model appropriate counseling and supervision skills and strategies in the supervision relationship.
  2. demonstrate a systematic conceptualization of the major roles and responsibilities of counselor supervision.
  3. evaluate their school counseling program to determine its effectiveness as a comprehensive school counseling program using standards set by the school’s accrediting body and the American School Counseling Association.
  4. design individual and group treatment strategies that are developmentally appropriate for children and youth that address the academic, social, and career success of all students.
  5. demonstrate a disposition appropriate for a leader in the school environment.
  6. follow appropriate professional and ethical guidelines.

Examples of Outcome Assessments

  1. Candidates will be assessed by performance in Ed.S. level courses.
  2. Candidates will be assessed by a faculty member using a standard observation and evaluation form in the Ed.S. School Counseling Practicum.
  3. The process of developing the thesis and the results of the thesis will be evaluated by faculty using established criteria.