Thesis option

PSYC 4991. Senior Thesis I. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: "B" or better in and , con- sent of instructor and junior standing. A multi-semester course during which the student will develop, conduct, and write up a novel psychological study.

PSYC 4992. Senior Thesis II. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: "B" or better in and , consent of the instructor and junior standing. A multi-semester course during which the student will develop, conduct and write up a novel psychological study.

PSYC 4993. Senior Thesis III. 1 Hour.

Prerequisite: "B" or better in and , con- sent of instructor and junior standing. A multi-semester course during which the student will develop, conduct, and write up a novel psychological study.


Note: Students are required to have at least 2 faculty members on their committee with one serving as the thesis chair.