Promotion and Tenure Documents

  • Timelines: Tenure, Promotion, Pre-tenure and Post-tenure/5-yr review (pdf file)
  • University Guidelines and Policy to Promotion and Tenure
  • CoSM 2018 Promotion & Tenure Document (policy and application Docx file)
  • Instructions for uploading Promotion and Tenure documents into OneDrive (updated June 2022)
    • 3-Year Review for Lecturers (instructions
    • Pre-Tenure Review for Tenure-Track Faculty (instructions)
    • Promotion for Lecturers (instructions)
    • Promotion for Tenured Faculty or Tenure-Track Faculty (instructions
    • Simultaneous Promotion & Tenure or Tenure Only for Tenure-Track Faculty (instructions)
    • Post-Tenure Review for Tenured Faculty and 5-Year Review for Lecturers (instructions)
  • Coversheets for Each Personnel Actions
    • Pre-Tenure, Post-Tenure, Promotion, and Tenure coversheets are available on the Academic Affairs webpage
    • 5-Year Review for Lecturers (coversheet)

Presidential Excellence Faculty Awards

Leave with Pay Guidelines and Application for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty

  • Faculty may apply for leave with pay one academic year (fall, spring) before the requested period; currently, CoSM is awarded two awards per year. More information and the application form can be found here.

Travel and Expense Procedures