Body Image:

About Face @
Adios, Barbie @


Feminism In The Media:

Women's eNews @Feminist.Com @ United Nations, Women Watch @


Feminist Commissions & Campaigns:

The White Ribbon Campaign @ Commission on the Status of Women @ V-Day Movement to Stop Violence Against Women & Girls @  


Feminist Organizations:

National Organization for Women @ National Women's Studies Association @ Feminist Majority Foundation @


Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual Issues:

GLBT National Help Center @ National Gay & Lesbian Task Force @ Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation @
Drug and Alcohol Addiction in the LGBTQ Community @

Global Feminism:

WOW! Work of Women @ Women for Women International @ CATW - The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women @ IMADR - International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination & Racism @ United Nations Women Development Program, Women's Empowerment @ Womankind Worldwide @ Amnesty International @ IDVAAC - Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community @ RAWA - Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan @ Center for Women's Global Leadership @ Women Watch - UN Information and Resources on Gender Equality & Empowerment @ Women's Rights - Global Issues @



: 1-800/656-HOPE




Men & Feminism; Masculinity:

National Organization for Men Against Sexism @ The White Ribbon Campaign @ Meninist - Men Supporting the Women's Movement @ XY - Men, Masculinities, and Gender Politics @ Men Stopping Rape @ American Men's Studies Association @




Online Journals & Magazines:

World Pulse Magazine @ Bust Magazine @ The F-Word @ ColorLines @ Feminist Africa @ Bitch Magazine @ The Advocate @ Latinitas @

Sexuality & Reproductive Rights:

NARAL Pro-Choice America @ Sexuality Information & Education Council of the United States @ Planned Parenthood @ SisterSong @ Pro-Choice Student Network @


Sex Trade:



Transgender Issues:

International Foundation for Gender Education @


Violence Against Women:

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence @
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network @
The Haven - South Georgia @ National Sexual Violence Resource Center @
Domestic Violence and Drug Abuse - Undeniable Connection @ 


Women & Gender Research Organizations:

Institute for Women’s Policy Research @ The Population Council @ GenderStats - Database of Gender Statistics @


Women & Gender Annotated Listings/Forums/Resources:

Women's Resources @


Women & Information Technology:

Women and Information Technology @


Women In Higher Education:

American Association of University Women @


Women In The Arts:

National Museum of Women in the Arts @


Women Of Color:

Women of Color Resource Center @ The Women's Mosaic @ Making Face, Making Soul ... A Chicana Feminist Website @ Eldis @ Black American Feminisms @


Women's & Gender Studies Programs:

Artemis Guide to Women’s Studies Programs in the U.S. @


Women's Health:

Our Bodies Our Selves @
National Women’s Health Resource Center @


Women's History:

Women in World History @
Women’s History Virtual Library @
National Women's History Project @


Women in the Workforce:

Job openings in STEM industries (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) @ and


Young Feminist Organizations/Issues:

Feministing @ Younger Women's Task Force @ The Young Women's Project @
Girls for Gender Equity @